Brother is what I call each member of Thee Family, bro or bruh for short. The purpose of this union of brothers is simply, to support each other in whatever way necessary and encourage each other to be successful in each other’s positive and professional endeavors.

Thee Family’s existence derived out of a need to protect one another in a neighborhood consumed with violence and crime. The students at Lindblom Technical High School came from both humble and well-off backgrounds. These students had one thing in common, the intelligence to excel in a school that offered a great curriculum as a college prep school. Many students were ill-prepared for the rough surroundings and harsh incidents that would come to be. Three young football players decided that they had enough of being picked on. Banning together and vowing never to let anything come between them. These young three would evolve into a group of young determined men that would mentor each other into strong adults and produce many that would later become successful in society and their respective communities.

In the beginning, Thee Family wanted nothing more than to have a select group of individuals that shared a love for one another and never to let anything separate them. This young high school organization would grow to set a precedence of camaraderie that peers citywide would attempt to duplicate throughout Chicago urban high schools. It is no coincidence that this group of young men resembled that of well-established Afro-American College Fraternities. Lindblom Technical High School has always been the home of Thee Family, Although TF has members that were either enrolled or transferred to other schools such as Simeon or Hyde Park to name a couple.

Our organization was never given an actual category to fall within. Different labels from various individuals, many of whom had no idea of what our intent was or what Thee Family stood for, attempted to categorize us. Some names were semi-appropriate and some not appropriate at all. Many have referred to TF as: a social organization, junior Fraternity, athletic club, party group, and even a gang. Thee Family is definitely not a gang, and although our group comprised of many athletes from different sports, TF never considered itself an athletic club. Thee Family was well known for throwing some very well-organized parties, often sponsored by Radio DJ’s and professional businesses.

The parties are what got TF noticed by the masses of our peers throughout the city. As a group TF wanted to have a positive purpose other than binding together just to support one another. Thee Family soon started to have food drives to raise money for scholarships. Thee Family was involved in planning committees with school faculty to help create ideas to support school activities. Outside of the school a scholarship foundation was set up (in the name of” Gary Kennedy” one of our founding fathers) as a contribution to a student’s college education. TF members have also provided tutorial services and escorted students to bus stations after school hours.

Every year as members graduated and moved on to colleges, jobs, and the Military, a new crop of young energetic men would be ready to devote their loyalty to Thee Family. For the brothers that have moved on and not kept in touch over the years, I hope that you will one day see this book and be moved by it. May you remember how special we were and still are today. As old friends come around, they too are truly amazed to see that after so many years have passed, a great deal of Thee Family still come together and fellowship, and “HOW SWEET IT IS”. History is a beautiful thing, no matter how brief or long, intense, or minute. When told correctly the truth will stand the test of time. I have often seen the statement “Three-hundred strong and still going”. To date, there are one hundred and forty-four members, past and present. Maybe with a little diligence and the right brothers in place, we may one day make the number three hundred a reality. My Fraternity instills that all we need is “eight men thoroughly immersed”. So if we never induct another brother, I will always remember those special few.

There is talk of reactivating membership among high school students and even going abroad to other cities. Until then enjoy this bit of nostalgia and remember how TF came to be, and the members that helped to shape our young lives. Just remember, “Many a brother have passed us by, but that doesn’t mean Thee Family will die”

(My Family Poem Russell Baker).