Chicago, IL – In 1977 four teammates of Lindblom Technical High School football team (Gary Kennedy, E.J. Bassette, Charles Adams and John Neal) came together while in Auto-Shop class and came up with the name “Thee Family” (TF).

Tired of the negative and hostile behavior surrounding them, these young men wanted to symbolize what they stood for and what was in their hearts. Thee Family would soon induct Vince Currington, Eric Lee, Robert Cook, David Mitchell, Rick Snipes, Ronnie Jackson, and Darryl Shavers to name a few.

That fall, TF would go through a brief reconstruction period and induct a group of mid mannered young men, the likes of Victor Simpkins, Carl Estele, Anthony Davis, Dan Bronson, and Ralph Stuart. In the beginning, TF was simply a group of intelligent young athletes forming a bond of camaraderie and loyalty to support each other through tough times.

Over the years, this group has grown considerably in numbers from its humble beginnings. Members were guided towards education, leadership, and friendship. These young men seemed wise and mature beyond their years.

Many members have gone on to become very successful men with backgrounds in education, law, Medicine, Business, Engineering, Information Technology, Motivational Speaking, Entrepreneurship, Military Service, Civil Service, and Entertainment. Throughout the years, TF has provided scholarships and helping hands throughout communities locally and abroad.

Brett Britton, TF Historian

Thee Mission
To exhibit strength through brotherhood, and provide an example to the underserved youth of scholarship, leadership, and friendship to promote civic and economic growth in our communities.
Thee Vision
Be involved socially in the Greater-Chicago community through civic and charitable activities.

Be recognized among community leaders as an organization of charitable acts and contributions.

Inspire young men to take charge and be responsible for the improvement and advancement of their communities.
Thee Mission
To exhibit strength through brotherhood, and provide an example to the underserved youth of scholarship, leadership, and friendship to promote civic and economic growth in our communities.
Thee Vision

Be involved socially in the Greater-Chicago community through civic and charitable activities.

Be recognized among community leaders as an organization of charitable acts and contributions.

Inspire young men to take charge and be responsible for the improvement and advancement of their communities.

Black Lives Matter

Thee Family Inc. does not condone racism. We are anti-racism. We are an organization that thrives to bring equality, diversity, inclusion, and opportunity to our communities and the people that reside in them. We seek to end systemic-racism, and eliminate social injustice across the spectrum, to include, but not limited to, wealth, education, employment, housing, healthcare and justice-reform.